Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bottom of the News… Friday, April 18, 2008

Good morning my fellow Rotarians… Well, this third week in April is a very famous week so let’s start with a few notable events…

During this week in history…

Paul Revere completed his famous midnight ride in 1775 and the following day the shot hear around the world signaled the beginning of the Revolutionary War.

In 1906 the famous San Francisco earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale destroyed entire city blocks and caused massive fires with over 3,000 deaths just in the first week.

This week in 1897 the first Boston Marathon was held with only a few hundred runners; today over 20,000.

This week in 1923, the words “Play Ball!” were heard for the first time in Yankee stadium prior to their game against the Boston Red Sox, the Yankees won and thus the beginning of their long standing rivalry.

During the week in 1977 Apollo 13 returned safely to earth after a near disaster in space.

In 1995 the Oklahoma City bombing happened this week where 168 were killed and over 800 were injured.

And in 1999 this week at Columbine High School near Denver will never be forgotten with 12 students and a teacher killed and 23 others wounded.

And on the news front… Phony Employee!

Hey, did you hear about the guy in Palatine, IL who accepted a job at a telecommunications firm, but then decided he didn't want the job after all and never reported for work? Well, the company accidentally put him on its payroll anyway, and he allegedly collected more than $469,000 in salary over five years.

The accident was finally discovered when the guy tried to cash out his company retirement plan. An HR guy noticed and they guy was arrested on a theft by deception charge. What a phony employee!

Cause for Suspicion – Drunk and Drunker

Patricia Dykstra, 51, called police to report a drunk driver. She gave the car's description, location, and finally her name and then she said she had to hang up because… "I don't like being on the phone while driving."

The Dodge County, WI sheriff's deputies eventually found her and cited her for drunk driving. When asked why she made the call she said her boyfriend told her to because he was also riding in the car and too drunk to make the call himself. Okay, this sounds like a movie called Drunk and Drunker!

All Aboard! – The Tale of Two Conductors

A conductor on a commuter train in New York stopped the train last week and went on top of one of the cars after he noticed a power glitch when the train switched from track power to overhead power lines.

The conductor found a 36-year old man who had burst into flames from the 14,000 volts that surged through his body after the switch-over and fortunately the conductor had a fire extinguisher with him. Because of the conductor’s quick reaction the 36 old was hospitalized in fair condition.

The train conductor was recognized for his quick thinking and received “top conductor” honors. It was unclear why the 36-year old was on top of the train and how he survived the 14,000 volts, but without a doubt he certainly he was an excellent conductor as well!

It is another fine week in the neighborhood my friends and this is the Bottom of the News for Friday, April 18, 2008. ###

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