Bottom of the News… Friday, October 31, 2008
Good morning my fellow Rotarians. With today being Halloween it seems that this entire week is a time when stranger than normal people appear kind of like when a full moon happens. So to honor this bizarre holiday that celebrates the dead I start with a story from …
Corpse on Train
Germany: Where train commuters report finding a dead person on their train ride tow work last week. As it later turned out, the man was not dead, but rather was passed out cold in a drunken sleep, according to police. The man was in costume to be a zombe and fell asleep on his way home from an all night Halloween party.
Bomb Scare
Norway: A Halloween prop sparked panic on a college campus in Bergen, Norway last week. A suspicious package was found on a car parked outside a student dormitory and was immediately reported to police, which resulted in the evacuation of the dormitory and the surrounding area on campus.
According to police the owner of the package “did not intend for it to create a big bomb scare.” Eventually it was discovered that a student had left the ‘prop’ sitting on the trunk of his car when parking to attend a Halloween party. His prop was a fake bomb that looked very real with wires sticking out of it and making a ticking noise. And the student’s costume for the party… he was dressed up as a suicide bomber.
Top 10 Signs You Are Too Old to Be Trick or Treating
10. You get winded walking from door to door.
9. You have to have another kid chew the candy for you.
8. You ask for high fiber candy only.
7. When someone drops a candy bar in your bag, you lose your balance and fall over.
6. People say, "Great Keith Richards mask!" and you're not wearing a mask.
5. When the door opens you yell, "Trick or..." and you can't remember the rest.
4. By the end of the night, you have a bag full of restraining orders.
3. You avoid going to houses where your ex-wives live.
2. You have to carefully choose a costume that won't dislodge your hairpiece.
1. You're the only Power Ranger in the neighborhood with a walker.
And there you have it, the Hallow’s Eve version of the Bottom of the News for this Friday, October 31st 2008!
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