Good morning my fellow Rotarians. Today, the 8th anniversary of 911, is not a typical bottom of the news day. For many it was a day when their world hit rock bottom. For others it was an event that created a reawaking in America.

So, where were you about two hours from now on Tuesday, Sept 11th? What was your first reaction? What about the people around you?
For me I was in Galena, IL just starting a training meeting with my Midwest directors. While grabbing some breakfast on the run from the lobby I saw a glimpse of a news story about a plane crash somewhere, but kept moving. 15 minutes later my admin called and asked if I had heard about plane crashes around the World Trade towers and my first reaction was “are you kidding?” 5 minutes later she calls back to tell me that in making her regular calls to several of our east coast offices she could not get thru because all phone circuits were overloaded. Something bigger seemed to be unfolding.
The final straw was when one of our directors got a cell phone call from her sister in Manhattan to let her know she was okay. She was frantic and said the US was under attack and that is was chaos in NY City. Upon sharing that news with the 20 people in our group, our meeting was over. We all found a TV and stood in shock as we watched. It was surreal and unbelievable. I soon gathered our group together, prayed with them and then sent them home to be with their families. I am sure you can replay that morning for yourself as well.
911 is an unforgettable moment in history AND should be a reminder to never take our freedom and liberty and some much more for granted. We must be always ready to protect and defend our country and our fellow man. I consider it a duty and responsibility.
Todd Beamer believed this while being held hostage on United Airlines Flight 93. He didn’t stand by, he lived his life ready and that’s how he died taking on three terrorist hijackers, along with his fellow passengers, crashing into a Pennsylvania field.
Todd’s final words were… “Are you guys ready, let’s roll!” Those words will be remembered as those of a husband, a father, a leader, a hero and a true American patriot. September 11, 2001, may we never forget AND may we always be ready. And this is the news on this day, 911, 2009.
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