Over 30? Feeling Old?
Good morning my fellow Rotarians. How many 30-somethings in the room this morning?
Any of you get the feeling yet that you are feeling old? For some of us this feeling has been with us for quite a while. No names mentioned of course. For others, it maybe is one of those thoughts that has started to creep into your thinking. So, thought I would share with you a few signs that would give you a heads up…
- You get super excited when you go to a concert and there are SEATS.You start a story with “when I was in college” and realize that was 10 years ago.
- When you watch teen movies/TV shows, you find yourself siding more with the parents than the kids.
- You’ve gone to a bar and left because it was too loud.
- You’d rather pay a little more for a “nice, clean” hotel room than cram into a hostel with 12 of your friends.
- You start buying shoes based on “comfort” instead of looks.
- You voluntarily buy the “fiber” cereal.
- You’re seriously thinking about getting a dog. No, having a baby. No, definitely getting a dog.
- You get carded, and your first instinct is, “AWESOME.”
- An 11-year-old has to show you how to do something on your smartphone.