Friday, March 21, 2014

Over 30

Over 30? Feeling Old?

Good morning my fellow Rotarians. How many 30-somethings in the room this morning?

Any of you get the feeling yet that you are feeling old? For some of us this feeling has been with us for quite a while. No names mentioned of course. For others, it maybe is one of those thoughts that has started to creep into your thinking. So, thought I would share with you a few signs that would give you a heads up…
  • You get super excited when you go to a concert and there are SEATS.You start a story with “when I was in college” and realize that was 10 years ago. 
  • When you watch teen movies/TV shows, you find yourself siding more with the parents than the kids. 
  • You’ve gone to a bar and left because it was too loud. 
  • You’d rather pay a little more for a “nice, clean” hotel room than cram into a hostel with 12 of your friends. 
  • You start buying shoes based on “comfort” instead of looks. 
  • You voluntarily buy the “fiber” cereal. 
  • You’re seriously thinking about getting a dog. No, having a baby. No, definitely getting a dog.
  • You get carded, and your first instinct is, “AWESOME.” 
  • An 11-year-old has to show you how to do something on your smartphone.
There you go, some sure signs that you are over 30 and getting old. That’s the bottom of our news on this March 21, 2014.


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