Friday, April 04, 2014

Senior Citizens

A Senior Moment?

Good morning my fellow Rotarians. Today fellow Rotarian, Martin will be talking with us about his services for our seniors. I thought I would share a few senior stories that Martin and his team of volunteer drivers can easily relate to…

"A man in his eighties went to the doctor for his annual health check-up. He told the doctor: 'I'm getting really forgetful. I forget where I live, I forget where I've parked my car, and I go into shops and I can't remember what it is that I want. And when I do get to the checkout, I find I've forgotten my wallet. It's getting pretty bad, doc. What can I do?' The doctor thought for a moment and said: 'Pay me in advance.'"

"Asked by a reporter how he had managed to live to the age of 100, an old man explained: 'Well, son, I got married when I was 21. The wife and I decided that if ever we argued the loser should take a long walk to cool off. So I guess I've benefited from 79 years of fresh air."

"A 61-year-old man told the doctor that he was no longer able to help around the house like he used to. After the doctor had finished examining him, the man said: 'Now, doc, tell me in plain English what is wrong with me.' 'In plain English,' said the doctor, 'you're just lazy.' 'Ok,' said the man, 'now give me the medical term so I can tell my wife.'"

Senior citizens have taken to texting with gusto and they even have their own vocabulary:

BFF: Best Friend Fainted
BYOT: Bring Your Own Teeth
CBM: Covered by Medicare
GGPBL: Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low!
LMDO: Laughing My Dentures Out

In honor of our seniors today, that’s the bottom of our news on this April 4, 2014.

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