Bottom of the News… Friday, April 9, 2010
Good morning my fellow Rotarians. This morning I want to ask you all a question… how many of you that don’t have HR people do the interviewing to hire people for your company? Okay, and I would guess that you most likely have some type of process that includes what questions you can and cannot ask right?
Well, according to our very own HR guru, Wil Meiers, it never hurts to have a few “creative” questions to make your interviews more interesting…
• What was your best MacGyver moment?
• How many tennis balls can you fill this room with?
• If you were a brick in a wall, which brick would you be and why?
• Are your parents disappointed with your career aspirations?
• Tell me how you would determine how many house painters there are in the United States.
• If I put you in a sealed room with a phone that had no dial tone, how would you fix it?
• If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
• How many hair salons are there in Japan?
• How do you measure nine minutes using only a four-minute and one-minute hourglass?
• What is the probability of throwing 11 and over with 2 dice?
• Say you are dead. What do you think your eulogy would say about you?
• How many light bulbs are in this building?
• How would you sell me eggnog in Florida in the summer?
• If you saw someone steal a quarter, would you report it?
• And finally, should you be on the other side of this interview, what might your answers be?
And there you have it, oddball interview questions as the Bottom of the News on this Friday, April 9, 2010. ###
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